HOW TO THROW A SMARTPHONE – You have just bought a new smartphone . The first few hours are spent trying on the device. Get to know it and read manuals and instructions by thread and by sign. After a while, however, a question arises: what do you do with the old phone ?

HOW TO THROW A SMARTPHONE – The issue of disposing of old smartphones is delicate. According to a United Nations calculation, only in Europe every year about 15 kilos of “electronic” garbage are produced per inhabitant. A huge figure.

And at the global level , 50 million tons of garbage per year are surpassed among old phones, obsolete PCs, non-working tablets and so on. And these numbers are set to increase exponentially due to the landing of mass consumption of the Internet of Things . This technology increases electronic and intelligent objects. Now even a key ring or a thermostat must be disposed of in a different way than in the past.

HOW TO THROW A SMARTPHONE – The role of telephone operators
In relation to how to dispose of old mobile phones , it is also necessary to constantly monitor the withdrawal initiatives of telephone operators or centers such as the unieuro, the comet and so on for the initiative 1 against 0. The latter provides for the withdrawal of electronic components with sizes less than 25 cm for one of the two sides of the device, as are the dimensions of our broken or obsolete phones .

HOW TO THROW A SMARTPHONE – Ecological islands
Another possibility for the disposal of old cell phones , including the option inherent in the disposal of cellular batteries , is to contact the ecological island under the house or to contact one of the numerous Ecocentri citizens.

The operation is necessary, especially if we consider that in the Bel Paese there are 600,000 tons of technological waste, half of which is mistakenly disposed of, in the total absence (or perhaps better in the most complete indifference) of the correct practices.

Contacting the municipal authority, responsible for waste management is therefore a duty to know where to throw old phones. Alternatively, it is also sufficient to check the nearest recycle on the internet where old mobile phones are disposed of .

HOW TO THROW A SMARTPHONE – Old Cell Phone Disposal: a real parallel market

This is what the legislation in Italy states. However, it is urgent to reflect. In recent years, there is a percentage of users, far from irrelevant, that changes the smartphone at least once a year.

Maybe, fascinated by the keynotes of the leading multinationals, look for the latest model at all costs. Consequently the disposal of used cell phones becomes a real parallel market.

The reason? Strong convenience.

An authoritative business newspaper, such as The Wall Street Journal, highlights this. Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa are the channels most interested in the practice of disposing of old cell phones , for the simple reason that what in Italy this year is a top of the range smartphone in the year in progress, after 365 days and passes it becomes a model that is no longer the flagship, becoming even after two years a demodé device.

Instead, in the contexts just mentioned, that smartphone is still a smartphone and, for this reason, making money out of it is a practice that is very popular with us and in other countries. However, there is no need to go so far in relation to how to dispose of mobile phones since the practice in question is more widespread on the same market. And Italy, precisely, does not represent an exception. Indeed far from it.

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